June is here and summer really feels like it has started. Because of the long and wet winter Utah endured this year all of my veggies are taking there time but my flowers are loving it. My Tiger Lilies are radiant I wish they would last all summer. The big project has been the south side and a gate for my north garden. First the South side......

I have cleaned up underneath the huge pine tree and planted some shade plants. The gravel is not done yet so I don't have a picture of that yet, since this is still a work in progress I have chosen not to do before and after pictures yet....just a few peeks..

I have planted four butterfly bushes and they love this spot in my south garden.

On to the veggies...in this garden I have raspberries, pole beans, potatoes, corn, garlic, onions, okra, bell peppers, and a honeysuckle bush. You can't see the corn yet. The pole beans are climbing up but they have not yet bloomed. The raspberries are just about there and I am very excited about fresh raspberry tarts!

Here is a closer look to my elephant garlic which is HUGE!!!! I love the way the blossom stem is twisting.

Here is some Romain, and snap peas I pulled from the garden and ate today with a bit of salad dressing....so good!!

Here is a robin feeding its baby, so cute! They did this all day while my dad and I worked on the gate. Ramsey was extremely curious and kept on scaring the mother away...at one point I thought he was going to get attacked.

We started by digging deep holes for the posts. We ran into a couple of pipes and my dad ran his shovel into my mini sprinkling system haha. But in the end it all worked out. After this we went shopping, the whole expedition cost about $130.

We poured the cement and placed temporary posts there to keep everything straight.

Here is my dad who helped me......I mean did most of the work...haha!

I stained all of the pieces that my dad cut. This is a picture of the gate and all of its pieces.

The finished project is beautiful...thanks dad!!! My raspberry on the left is starting to take over.

Inside the North garden I have marigolds, soybeans, and eggplant.

Here is a close up of the Soybean, so cute!

All of my peppers are doing great, but they are so small. I hope they have a growth spurt. I also have basil and tomatoes but I didn't take a picture of them. Next week I will take pictures of my pumpkin patch and grapes.
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