Sorry it has been so long since my last post. Since my last post all of my tulips have blossomed my favorite one being the one I put at the top of this entry. This tulip in no way resembles your classic tulip and it's colors are absolutely beautiful. I will be planting more of these this fall because I want my whole yard to fill up with them! Here are some of my other tulips:
I love this color of orange.
I have three bushes of bleeding hearts by my front door and hopefully this year they will get the chance to grow. Last year heavy winds blew them apart. I'm just glad they came back this year after the hard times they had last year.
This is a picture of my back porch. The two bushes are lilacs that I planted last year. I also planted trumpet vines last year but they don't have any green on them. I hope they made it through the winter, if not I will have to replace them.
The honeysuckle I put in last year is doing really well. Last year it filled in the fence with a span of about three feet. Hopefully this year it will be even better. I can't wait until the whole fence is covered in honey suckle.'
Some of my Hostas have not come up yet, but this one is doing really well. I hope the others have not died on me.
This week I finally bought more bird seed. The birds were very happy with this, there feeder has been empty for about two weeks, when I filled it yesterday it was like the feeder was never empty.
This week I also planted squash, and beans, and some marigolds were my tomatoes will be. I have also been hardening off my seedlings but I have not planted any of them in the garden yet. I hope they survive!
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