Today is nice and warm. I placed my seedlings outside to harden them. The biggest ones are my Soy beans. The leaves look great but the stems are not very strong. This worries me and I hope they will still be good plants as long as I make sure they are well supported. This week my okra seedlings died :(. I guess they didn't like the seed starting pellets. I noticed today that the seeds I planted with compost in my egg carton are starting to grow. I didn't take any pictures because they were just too small but I'm sure next week I will be able to get some good pictures. The pepper plants that I planted next to my okra in the same egg carton are also starting to grow. They are sprouting much faster than the ones in the seed pellets but I'm not sure that is because it has gotten warmer and the soil is warmer or the compost just germinated them faster.

This is a picture of a little bell pepper which has popped out. It still hasn't grown any leaves yet and I just noticed it today. My Jalapeno seedlings were the first to sprout and have already grown there first true leaves. The Habanero, and Cayenne still haven't made an appearance.

I planted basil in this pot with compost and soil a couple of weeks ago and the seedlings look so cute! I pulled out a few that were just way to close together. Last year my basil seedlings did not make it so I am really hoping these little guys pull through...fingers crossed!

This week I also started some lettuce, mesclun, ceasar, and Kale. After just a couple of days I am already seeing little seedlings coming out. I was going to just start these outside, but I then decided I wanted an earlier harvest so I decided to plant them inside. These will be the first to go out, probably in a couple of weeks. Speaking of planting outside....I have planted my sugar snap peas. Yesterday a light rain started right after I planted them so they are off to a good start.

The lettuce, and snap peas are going to be in the same bed as my rhubarb. I am so excited about this little guy because I love to use rhubarb in my cooking. If you look closely a third leaf is starting to grow from the center. The bigger leaf on the left is as big as my palm. I planted this last year and it never got this big so I'm hoping it has a good year and I may be able to harvest from it towards the end of the summer.
As I walked around the garden today I noticed more sprouts. This is why I love spring because every week I go out, there is something new to find.
Peppermint | | |
Magnolia (hopefully I will have flowers in about two weeks!) | | | | |

This week I also placed both of my agave plants outside.

This is my biggest one, it is a blue agave I'm not sure what kind the one on top is. I got both of these plants from my husbands uncle who lives in El Paso.
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