My first Harvest! yes I know it is very small but considering the summer has just begun I feel it shows great promise. My pea plants have probably produced the most thus far. Almost every day I go out and pick a couple of pods so I can eat them in a salad. The strawberries are new as of today, They had a slow start because of the cold weather and the rain but they are starting to produce an abundance. These first few strawberries were small but I think the ones later in the year will be much bigger.
My tomatoes have also started to grow. This picture shows two baby tomatoes which will grow to be yellow pear tomatoes. They are about the size of my thumb right now I'm not sure how big they will get.
My pumpkin plants have taken off, they love the spot that they are in! I can't believe how huge these plants are getting. Pretty soon they will be growing over the edge of the planter and into the walkway. I can't wait for a pumpkin flower to emerge.
Now this picture shows something I thought was pretty cool. I bought two climbing hydrangeas this summer to cover the wall on the South side of my garden. When I first bought the plants I read the little label which informed me that I would not need a trellis. I looked the plant over and could not find anything that would aide the plant in growing up my brick wall. I was confused but trusted the label and just planted the hydrangea next to my brick wall waiting to see how it was going to grab onto the brick. This morning I learned how. I was checking over all of my plants when I noticed these white things growing on the stems of the hydrangea. I did a little research and found that they were aerial roots which cement themselves to brick.
In my garden I have three different types of vines: Climbing Hydrangea, Trumpet flower, and a Honeysuckle. Even though all three are vines they are very different from each other. Each vine grows differently and has different things to offer. My advice for the day is go out and explore your garden. Check out all the different bugs and note how each plant is different in how it grows and looks.
I am an amateur gardener who has only been gardening for a couple of years. I've found that you can really enjoy your garden if you create it to fit your needs. My garden is centered around attracting song birds, humming birds, and butterflies. Before beginning your garden I suggest exploring the different reasons you want a garden that way you will create a space you will never want to leave.
Now I am done rambling.....I'm going to go sit in my garden.
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