My homemade tomato trellis is working out great! I've got three baby tomatoes on my Yellow pear, and plenty of buds on my Roma and Celebrity plants. Sadly my heirloom tomato plant has yet to produce a flower that produces a fruit, the plant suffered the most during the past few storms.
The trellis is a little less than five feet tall, I wonder if the tomatoes will grow all the way up it. I planted them right after mothers day and since then they have tripled in size. I think that now since the weather has been consistently good they will grow even faster. The poor tomato plants have survived through high winds of up to 50 miles per hour, heavy rains, temperatures dropping to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and even snow! I protected them with a huge tarp during this extreme weather which was easily draped over the whole trellis.
Another plant that had a hard time during the extreme weather this spring were my peppers. On the left is a picture of one of my Habanero plants. I had four and one died, so I replaced it with the pepper plant pictured on the right which is a Mariachi pepper. The Mariachi is doing really well and already has two baby peppers on it. I also have two Jalapeno plants, a yellow bell pepper and a purple bell pepper.
This is a baby pumpkin! I'm so excited about my pumpkins, all three plants have several buds and the plants are huge. I hope my pumpkins mimic the leafy part of the plant and grow to immense proportions by October. I have decided that I will always grow pumpkins because they are so much fun to watch grow. I also planted some albino pumpkins in my front yard but I started them really late so I hope they can catch up to there orange counter-part.
EGGPLANT (Never planted eggplant before so this should be interesting)
BLACKBERRY (I also have a raspberry bush, I hope I get enough fruit for jam!)
CARROTS (Most annoying thing about carrots is making sure they are spaced out because the seed is so small it is hard to plant them away from each other. I pulled plenty of seedlings out during the process and I hope I spaced everything out okay.)
TRUMPET VINE-for the hummingbirds...