I have finally finished setting up my veggie garden. It has been a tough month because of the weather, at one point it actually snowed..IN MAY!!! I have been placing cut up milk cartons and plastic soda bottles over my peppers and my pumpkins in order to save them from possible frost and so far so good.
I constructed supports for my peppers with sticks that I collected from my backyard. This year I wanted to try a more creative way of supporting my veggies rather than the conventional wire cage. On my next post I will show you a picture of my tomatoes which are growing up a thick hemp rope tied to a support which I constructed earlier this year. Anyways, back to the peppers, I have two sweet peppers a chocolate bell pepper and a yellow bell pepper. My hot pepper selection includes four habanero plants and two jalapenos. Don't ask me why I planted so many habanero plants maybe it just seemed easier. Next year I plan on having a bigger variety.
Besides the four tomatoes I have growing up a trellis, I also have this heirloom "green zebra striped" tomato. I planted this one in a container and fashioned some twine around five posts in a shape of a pentagon. It seems to love its home so far.
This is one of my pumpkin plants. I have four of them, the other two look just as good as this one but the fourth one is a bit stunted. I was very lucky though with all the cold weather we have been having to have the three strong plants. The pumpkin seeds I bought were very good too I only placed one seed per plot and all four of them sprouted. Just looking at them makes me excited for fall, although I'm not quite ready for fall yet!
This is a picture of my first veggie, a sugar snap pea, it's still pretty small but I'm very excited to already have an appearance. Soon I will be hanging out in my garden eating peas right of the vine and relaxing in the sun.
Well That's it for the veggies!